Archive for January, 2011

Internship Madness

January 25, 2011

There are so many options! I am at the point in my program where my classmates and I are exploring outside the classroom, in real life interpreting situations (final semester as an undergraduate- BA in Interpretation). It is great! I feel like their is an entire world of opportunities for us, and we just need to pick our path. The hard work and long nights have paid off. Upcoming graduation is making me feel a little giddy… ๐Ÿ˜€

Grad school and a REAL job profession seems to be on my mind and in my future. Ohhh nice…. “professional“. ๐Ÿ™‚

Some DC Memories

January 24, 2011

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Inauguration, Polar Bears on Capitol Hill, Washington Wonderland

Looking back on a few times I have had as an undergraduate here keep me addicted to Gallaudet. So many memories to be made.

Inauguration: Imagine football fields of people standing as a mass. “President” Obama and that giant purple bow. Yeah, that was just down the street ๐Ÿ˜‰ The morning of I remember walking to The Mall and seeing soldiers on Florida Avenue…

Polar Bears: Our zany coach (another Professor Snape- Environmental Lawyer) and his passion to preserve the polar bear population, brought a team mate and me to The Hill as his props. We are pictured above with Congressman Grijalva.

Snowmageddon 2010: Whoaaaaa! There were actually people using their broom pans to shovel. . . clever.

No snow… just ice.

January 18, 2011
4th street NE



Classes were delayed today… a nice start to the semester. Too bad my 8am classes aren’t on Tuesdays. Above is a picture of 4th street NE… Just ICE. I wish there were piles of snow. Caution to walkers… looks like I will waddle to campus instead of biking today.

New year resolutions

January 14, 2011

I arrived at Gallaudet last Sunday, and ever since that day it felt as if time had fled by. Classes will begin on the 18th (next Tuesday). I can’t really explain how I feel about my classes. I am a little stressed out because I signed up for a graduate social work class that is relevant to my major. I recently found out that it might not count toward my major in international studies, so in one way I am not happy about that because all the other required classes for my major/minors are already full; however, in a way I am grateful that I signed up for that course because it led me to a winter break that mostly consisted of coming up with plan A, plan B, plan C, and so on for my life after graduation. I am interested in going to graduate school for a MSW (Masters in social work), but at the same time I am not sure if it’s right for me, so that graduate social work class should help me get an idea of what the social work field is like and if it is right for me or not. Also I am interested in going to Peace Corps after graduation because it will provide me a lot of benefits.

I am a little conflicted about the Peace Corps though. It requires a 2-years commitment, and I am still unsure if I want to search for a job after completing my degree at Gallaudet University. Decisions…Decisions…Decisions… I have five semesters left, so hopefully by 2012 or 2013 I will figure out what I want to do with my life after graduation. ๐Ÿ™‚

Since it is the beginning of a new year, I decided to make several goals for 2011 because I fully intend to make the rest of this year a bad-ass year.

Goals I have that are relevant to Gallaudet (if you guys are curious about my personal goals, feel free to ask me!)

1) Work on my internship in Romania. I recently got offered a summer internship in Romania, and I am very excited about it. I have to arrange meetings with my AA and career center and work on the application.

2) Get CPR certified. I just found out that Red Cross will provide CPR training at Gallaudet this semester, and one goal on my 100 things to do in 1,097 days is to get CPR certified.

3) Join one or two clubs this year.

4) Figure out if I want to continue working in the RL or get another job at Gallaudet next fall.

My first post of the year

January 13, 2011

Every break, students come back and there is a new happy energy. It seems like people are pleased to see everyone and some acquaintances become friends after a hug and summary of each others recent time away from campus. Back to the routine. I am enjoying time out of the classrooms for another week until the semester starts.

Finally unpacked after the move. Feeling a little Minnesota-sick… that’s nothing new. DC is sunny today- time to go outside ๐Ÿ™‚